Magdalena Noel, a daughter of Andrew Noel and Teresa Delone of Menallen
Township, Adams Co., PA. She was one of two daughters of Andrew that did not
get their share of his inheritance, rather the shares were to be held by
the administrator and paid to them as the need arose. We looked a long
time for any marriage information and came up blank in the Conewago Chapel
records. Finally at the Adams Co. Historical Society we found a record
of civil marriage of Thomas Noel and Magdalena Noel (alias Walter) dated
the 5th day of Feb 1801. It was witnessed by two of her brothers, Jacob
and John, and a sister Catherine, as well as a future brother-in-law, John
Lowestetter, and several others. This raises questions. Who was Thomas
Noel? Why "alias Walter?" (Walter was the maiden name of Elizabeth, who
married Magdalena's brother, Andrew, Jr.) In such a devout Catholic
family, why a civil ceremony? There also is a record in the Adams
Co Historical society of
Magdalena Noel's first marriage to Jacob Flaut (1798),
with one child Margarita. His death is listed as 1801, and the year of
the marriage of Magdalena and Thomas as 1802, in February. The children
of Thomas and Magdalena were born in Adams Co. and several are recorded
in the Conewago records as being baptized there. Thomas and Magdalena,
with most of their 10 children, moved to Cherrytree Twp, Venango Co. sometime
after 1821, after their last child was born. In October 1836,
the children of Magdalena Noel petitioned the administrator of Andrew's
estate (apparently Magdalena's son-in-law, Sam'l McCreary) to release the
balance of her estate to her children, so it would seem that she was deceased
at that time. One of Magdalena's daughters, Charlotte, married Otis Green
(my GGGrandfather) in 1831. At that time he owned donation land property
at Cobbs Corners, Warren Co. a short distance away. We have a full record
of their children, and a little bit of information of some of the rest
of Charlotte's children.
But with respect to my two daughters, Madalena and Margaret, it is my will and I order and direct that their share of my estate be retained by my executor and administered to them respectively as they may stand in need at their discretion and the balance, if any, at at their decease to be divided equally among their children respectively.......and where Letters of administration ......... Have been lately granted to Samuel L. McCreary of the borough of Gettysburg, in Adams County, Pennsylvania by the register of said county-Now know all men by these presents that we the undersigned, the children of Madalena Noel, one of the aforesaid general legators, who would be entitled to the residuum of her share lying, if any, in the estate of the said Andrew Noel, deceased or his.........,do hereby for and behalf of ourselves or heirs, executor and administrator agree, authorize and the direct that the aforesaid Samuel L. McCreary, administrator as aforesaid shall, out of the monies and estate of the said Andrew Noel, deceased now in his hands or for which he is legally accountable and chargeable as administrator, or which may hereafter come into his hands, for which he may be so accountable and chargeable pay to the said Madalena Noel the full share or proportion that would be coming to her as one of the daughters of the said Andrew Noel, deceased, at once in like manner as if the restriction and qualification aforesaid.....................had not been inserted in his said will by the said testator hereby ....... it to be our wish and desire that such payment shall be ............. and do by these presents for ourselves, our heirs, executor and administrators, remove, release, quit claimer and forever discharge the said administrator, his heir, executor, and administrator, of and from all and any further claims, demands or liability to us, which in name or hereafter may or might have for any part, portion or ....... of the estate, real, personal, or mixed of the said Andrew Noel, deceased, by virtue of the aforesaid bequest to the said Madalena......and this......... thereof giving us a rendering, interest in said bequest to or for as by name of any other matter, cause, or....... ......set my hand and seal this tenth day of October, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty six.
Sarah McCreary, Samuel McCreary; Jeremiah Noel, Catharina
Thomas Noel; Oliver (X) Spenser, Hanah (Hannah)(X) Spenser
Tarressa (Theresa) Starling, Elisha Starling
Frances Fleming, George Fleming; Will Reynolds, Susannah Reynolds
Peter Bennehoff, Catherine Bennehoff: Elizabeth (X) Noel
Otis Green, Charlot (Charlotte)(X)
(X)=their mark