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These Pages are a collection of e-mail letters on the various Noel lines. There is a wealth of information here, so use your <EDIT - FIND> Buttons on your Browser.   Remember that surnames will have different spellings.

If you would like your line on these pages, send to:  DN

Remember that   <Ctrl Home>   in your Browser will return to the top of the page.

Oct 1997       Webrene1@aol.com
NOEL, ACHILLES (NOWELL)                   INF., NBLL
NOEL, JOHN                                           ENSIGN, CUMB.MIL.REC.  AUG.25,1777
NOEL, JOHN CADET 4 CL  FEB.1, 1777  ENSIGN APR.14,1777 RESIGNED APR.3,  1778
NOEL, NICHOLAS                                       SGT.,    WD
NOEL, TAYLOR                                           GARRARD CTY. KY., MPL
NOEL, THOMAS                                           GALLATIN  CTY. KY., MPL
NOELL, JAMES                                                 E
NOELL, RICHARD                                          SGT.,  WD
                                    BY: JOHN H. GWATHMAY


19 Oct 1997      Webrene1@aol.com
1850 census (Westmoreland)
Charles Brogan                 28
Elizabeth                          29
Charles                             89
Joachim Noel                    41
Ellen                                41
Anne                                 3
Blasius Noel                     40
Mary  (Brogan)                  43
Nancy                              13
Elizabeth                          11
Sylvester (Pvt.Co.K,11thPa) 9m.Ellen
Charles                              7
John P.(Cpl.Co.C, 11th Pa.) 5
1860 census    (Westmoreland)
Joachim Noel                     47                         Maryland
Ellen                                 46
Anna                                 13
Mary Jane                           7
Cecillia                             19
Emanuel(Pvt.Co.K,11th Pa.)21 (mg.Margaret Logsdon St Vincent, Rev.P.Aggatho 3/17/1864)
                                   (mg.Rec.Shows Parents as Joachim Noel&Eleanora Chrity)
                                   (dth.Rec.   "          "         "       "         "   "Ellen Brogan    )
1870 census     (Westmoreland)
Joachim Noel                      59                          Pa.?(see above)
Ellen  (?)                             57  (see note above for Emanuel)
Anne E.                              22
Demetrius A.                       20
Mary J.                               17
Eaton, Marye  ?                      6
1880 census    (Westmoreland)
Mary Noel   (Brogan)             68
David                                  28
Plotsey(Placidus)                 25                (My Great-Grand-Father)

19 Oct 1997      Webrene1@aol.com

From the index of the "FIRST CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES" (1790) Berks COUNTY
Nole, Casper,  119 ( Page No.)
Noles, John,    119
Noll,  Balser,     43
Noll,  Francis,  290
Noll,  Geo.,        29
Noll,  Jacob,       57
Noll,  Jno,          42
Noll,  Nicholas  291
Noll,  Peter,Jr.    33
Noll,  Peter,Sr.   33
Noll,  Valentine,  27
Noll,  Valentine,  57
Noll,  Volentine,  57
Noll,  Wm,          27

20 Oct 1997      Webrene1@aol.com
Correction, I should have shown Placidus Noel as 1854-1944 not 1854-1880.

I looked at everything I have on hand and the only thing I can come up with on Grundy is as follows. "1840 CENSUS AND INDEX TUSCARAWAS COUNTY OHIO"
Head of   Family             males 10 <15       40 <50   females <5     5 <10        30 <40
Joseph Grundy                        3                      1                1              1                 1
It's a long shot, but they did move around a lot in those days and Joseph could be a brother of Mary Grundy? There are a lot of vets in this area to.

22 Oct 1997     Webrene1@aol.com
Private  Blasius Noel  7th Battalion, York County Militia Commander: Col. David Kennedy, Capt. Peter Zollinger's Company

Wm. Speace   1790 York County Census
(1) Male over 16, 3 under 16, (4) females including heads oh households.
(Could this be "WOLFGANG"?)
Same Census:            County        Males>16        Males<16         Females

Brogan, Charels      Cumberland          1
Brogan, James        Chester                 1                                          1
Brogan, James             "                      1                     4                    2
Brogan, John                "                     2                     2                    1

23 Oct 1997       Webrene1@aol.com
Vol.II 6TH Series reviewed pg.417-706 only York County
Capt. Henry Moore's Payroll Aug.20-Sept.20  1781
John Noel     Page 636
John Nowel   Page 693 (7 mos.)
John Noell    Page 523 made his mark (X) 1780 oath.

Capt. Wm.Dodds Payroll     Oct.5-Dec.5   1781
Jacob Noll     Page 639
Jacob Nowell Page 683 (7 mos.)
Jacob Noel    Page 525 (Capt.Shearer 5th Btn.) 1780  (Also Capt. Leehner's Co.)

Capt. Andrew Foreman                            1781
Casper Noell    Page 643

Capt. Will Gray                 May 27           1779
Charls. Johnson Page 621

Capt. Ephraim Pennington                     1781/2
Jacob Newell      Page 652

Capt. John Myers Co.
Peter Noll           Page 701

Capt.Zolinger's Co.
Danl. Noel          Page 706
Bloss Noel         Page 706

Sep 1999
"Blossy" and Mary's head stones are shown on D.N.'s page at St. V.'s I have her dad' Charles Brogan Sr.'s "estate" settlement.
Charles was born 1761 in Ireland. In his last days, he lived with Blasius Noel and Mary. J.P.Noel , your great grandpap was 5'  5" tall,.dark hair, dark eyes. He weighed about 160 pounds so I get the feeling he was "sturdy" although he did suffer all his life apparently with C.W. problems. Again, I think most of them did, by the records I have on them. Sylvester, died from his C.W. ailments about 1873? J.P.'s brother. J.P. states in his record that he knows how old he is because his parents recorded it in their Bible. (He ID's them as Blausius and Mary) His sister "The Murphy one I think it was" she says she knew how old he was because she was "8" when he was born !!! "take that eh!" At the 11th regiments monument at Gettysburg,(see DN's page)
at the foot of the soldier there is their mascot's statue "Sally, the war dog" When I snapped that picture, people were still leaving biscuits and bones for the dog. One bone had a note on it "Sally, for a job well done". She had about 6 litters of pups during the war, and Lincoln actually met her twice. She got lost after the Gettysburg scrap and they found her with her dead troops that had got overrun the first day. (Emanuel Noel, J.P. and Sylvester's cousin was captured that day.) Neither J.P. nor Sylvester made it to the Gettysburg battle. The only one that has any details in J.P.'s file, is Rose C. Noel, she cared for J.P. faithfully in his last days.

1 Nov 1997      <Webrene1@aol.com>
Ebeneezer's diary was timely, ties in nicely with this weeks library trip:
1.)Casper Noel (x) his mark, signed over two mo.'s pay to Jacob Winter for satisfactory services received. (page 779 of Vol. II, 6th Series Pa. Archives)
2.)Capt. Foreman's Co. Page 813 Casper Nowell ,Oct.10, 1781 (Don't know where they were at the time, but ties in with Ebeneezer's dates.)
3.)Casper Nowel Page 815  ?   1781
4.)Jacob Noel 1780 Muster page 836.............."prest-sick."
5.)Capt. McClelan's Co.  Pvt. Jacob Noel    page 852 (7 mos.) 1780.
Vol.xxiv page 418
Peter Grundy        Lancaster Cty.     150 acres            March 15 1749
Vol. xi page 198
Robert Grundy      Chester Cty.    1 horse, 2 Cattle       1766
Vol. xi page 350
Robert Grundy      Chester Cty.    1 Cattle 1767
Numerous Brogan's listed.
Got a tip on my "Elizabeth McCave" married 1857 Mahoning, Ohio. Also an 1806 tip from a girl in Indiana County Pa. on "Libengood",  Placidus Noel's wifes name. She was from there.

14 Nov 1997       Webrene1@aol.com
"Pa Archives" 3rd Series Vol. xii
Page 403 James BROGAN.."Inmate" Chester County, Londonderry.....1781
   "    528    "             "             "            "         "              "                 "
   "    735    "             "       Tax 1   .7 .1  "         "              "               1785
Page 769 Michael Brogan   Tax     10 .0  "         "     New London Twp. 1785
John Brogan ...Chester County...East Marlboro........1779.."Inmate"...page 206
   "        "              "         "         Upper Providence   1780       "           "    339
   "        "(shoemaker) "    "         East Marlboro........ 1781     "          "    466
   "        "                   "    "
        .............................1781 Tax 14   .0  "    532   "        "                   "    "
        .............................1785  Tax  3   .9  "    744
Vol. 17 page 630
John Brogan..Lancaster County..2 horses..1 cattle....1779
Vol. 4 7th Series "Index" has all the "Noels" listed...Pages 2377&2378 this is the index for the 6th series.
Seems to be 3 listings for tax payers 1)payers 2)"Inmates" 3)freemen Don't know what "Inmates" means?
It's interesting that John Brogan is listed as a "Shoemaker", since the civil war troops' shoes were known as "Brogans".

Wed, 31 Dec 1997  RENEWEB1 <Webrene1@aol.com>
After reviewing the "STORM" tree, I came to the conclusion that Sylvester Noel of the 11th Pa. Inf. in the Civil War (Son of Blasius and brother of Placidus NOEL) should have got at least an honorable mention as the first husband of Ellen STORM shown as married to Brady McCullogh, since she was the recipient of Sylvester's pension after Brady died. (Sylvester isn't mentioned at all). Sylvester died June 5th 1871 from disease contracted during the war. Brady died 4th of July 1908
Ellen (STORM)(NOEL) McCullogh died March 20th 1939

13 Jan 1998 22:50:23 EST    <Webrene1@aol.com>
1. Mary Griffiths m. William Prosser 22 April 1867  Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan Co., Wales  My gg-grandparents
2. Mary's Parents: Griffith Griffiths m. Ann Thomas 18 Aug. 1849
3. Williams Parents: John Prosser m. Tabitha Llewelyn,  Wales
4. Griffith Griffiths Parents: Moses Griffiths m. ???
5. Ann Thomas' Parents: Lewis Thomas m. Hannah Morris 27 Dec.1814, Wales

24 Jan 1998       <Webrene1@aol.com>
Westmoreland in 1825
BROGAN, Charles            Der
BROGAN, John                Der

1790 Heads of Families- Chester Co. Pa.
BROGAN, John    =>16  (2)   <16 (2)    females (1)

1790 Heads of Families- Cumberland Co. Pa.
BROGAN, Charles=>16  (1)

St. Vincent Baptisms 1800-1846
1811 Maria BRUGEN
1816 Sarah BROGAN
1819 Rosanna BROGAN

Various Tax records of Chester County for the years 1774,1779,1780,1781&1785
Listed are James, Michael and John (a Shoemaker) BROGAN.

"My Family Connections" Volumn II THE BROGANS by Ruth Williams Cornell
Copyrighted 1981 Dedicated to all our BROGAN Cousins.

Letters to Waterman from Gregory Lindes descended from Alice BROGAN (he has a
list of over 100 BROGANS)

Letters from B.B.O'Keefe back in 1985 stating "welcome to the NOEL-STORM-
TANNER family and many more". She was still compiling "Catholic Families of
Conewago" at the time and wanted to include M. Watermans lines.

Letter from a Naida Glick stating her take on all of the BROGANS she knows.

Page from the 1955 year book of the Pa. Soc. of S.A.R. (Index shows:)
BROGAN, 146, 204

Genealogy Charts of Ch. BROGAN Sr. wife and kids showing where buried etc.

Father Peter Helbron's Greensburg Pa. Registers (1 page) B.B.O'Keefe info:
BROGAN, Rose  1819              sponsors Henry & Johanna Donnelly
BROGAN, Sarah 1816              sponsors James & Catherine Haney
BRUCHER, Agnes 1809            sponsors Peter & Catherine Rogers
BRUGEN, Mary 1811                sponsors John WAGENER and Barbara his wife
Note: All these kids are off-spring of Charles and Agnes!

The NOEL's listed:
Simon and Mary: Mary Ann, b. 5 June 1817; Sarah, b. 19 Oct. 1819; Margaret, b.5 Mar 1815
Joseph and Margaret Griffin: Adam, b. 11 June 1800; George, b. 16 Mar 1802; John, b. 26 Nov. 1811; Anna, b. 12 Mar 1810; Margaret, b. 25 June 1809; Mary, b. 5 Mar1804
Abraham and Mary: Daniel, b. 3 Dec. 1816; Mary Barbara, b. 30 Jan. 1820
Peter and Margaret: Peter, b. 10 May 1800; Henry, b. 18 Dec. 1810; Isaias, b.10 Nov. 1804; Michael, b. 1 Dec. 1806
John and Petronilla: Mary, b. 1804

4 Feb 1998            Webrene1@aol.com
Sylvester Noel married a Ellen Storm in the Civil War era, Sylvester died young as a result of disease picked up during the war. He was my gr-grandfather Placidus (Plotsey) Noel's brother. This is fun just reading the names, "aint" it.NOEL's and LOGSDON's must have been pretty close because a SAMUEL LOGSDON and Sylvester's brother John P. NOEL witnessed the signature of Ellen as the claimant for his pension when Sylvester died.

Emanuel NOEL (Sylvester's cousin) married a Margaret A. LOGSDON daughter of Raphael  LOGSDON and Rebecca nee MATTINGLY of Westmoreland County, Pa. Witnesses were Sylvester J. NOEL and Mathilda Anna HENRY. Taken from the Matrimonial Records of St. Vincent's Abbey Church and as included in Emanuel's Civil War records.

Sylvester and Emanuel NOEL were both in the 11th Pa. Vol. Inf. Reg. in the Civil War, Sylvester was released due to illness from which he never fully recovered, and Emanuel was a "veteran" (more than one enlistment). Emanuel was captured during the first day of battle at Gettysburg and paroled same time frame. These people were all members of St. Vincents in Latrobe, Pa.(Their ancestors helped build the place.) My guess is that they moved from Adams County Pa. and Maryland to Westmoreland County together.(not entirely a guess!, some proof) In closing this e-mail, the "Maryland Historical Society" has a history of the LOGSDON family which may be viewed by the public in their files, and I've been saying for a while now, that I'd like to read that. They go way back in Maryland.

04 Feb 1998   Carol McKellar  <hnm@concentric.net>
 Without locales and dates it is difficult to say if my line of Speas/Spiess/Speiss/Spiece/Speece/Speace, etc., is connected to your line or not. However, I must say, I have not seen this spelling of your SPEASS  before.  This is not to say that there is  not a connection.

My line was in PA and migrated to Ontario, Canada.  Think they were first in the Haldimad (not sure of spelling) and then to the York Co. Markham area of Ontario.

They came to Michigan circa 1838 and settled in the Shiawassee Co. area.

5 Feb 1998        Webrene1@aol.com
From German Pioneers by Strassberger? I think?
Foreigners imported in the ship Phoenix, John Mason, Captain, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes. August 28, 1750..339 passengers.
Hans Jacob Liebengut
Hans Jacob Liebengutt, Jun. (Could this be the Lieutenant?)
Beder (Peter) Liebengut

List of mens names imported in the ship Halifax, Thomas Coatam, Master, from Rotterdam & Plymouth. October 20th 1754.
Hans Fight Livigood

The foreigners whose names are underwritten, imported in the ship Halifax, Capt. Thomas Coatam, from Rotterdam but last from Plymouth, did this day take the usual Qualifications to the Government. 10 Roman Catholicks. No.102. Souls 370. Whole Freight 280. From Wirtenberg, Hesse, Franconia, & the Palatinate. Hans Frit Livenguth

Palatines imported in the ship St. Andrew Galley, John Stedman, Master from Rotterdam. Qualified Sept., 26, 1737.
Philip Leibengut
Same text as above, this listing shows as follows: Philip (X) Liebengut
The Palatines whose names are underwritten, imported in the ship Saint Andrews Galley, John Stedman,Master, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes, did this day take & subscribe the oaths to the Government. Philip (+) Liebengut
Philip settled in Egypt, Lehigh County and also in Heidleberg Reformed Cong. in 1748. Also connections to Neyhardt and Kuntz surnames.
From Pa. Archives at USC Library.  List of foreigners imported in the brigantine Richard and Elizabeth, Christopher Clymer, Master, from Rotterdam. Qualified Sept. 28, 1733
Jacob Lebegood
Original List:
Hance Jacob Liebegood               39
Margaretha Liebegood                  40
Johan Jacob Liebegood                 10
Anna Gretha Liebegood                 10
Anna Catherina Liebegood              3 1/2
Warrantees of land County of Northampton 1752-1886
Leibegood Peter              50        Aug. 3, 1784
Leibegood Jacob             50           "          "
Liebegood Jacob             60         Dec. 30, 1785
        "          "                   "           "             "?
Leibguth Peter                 50         Feb. 24, 1794
Leibenguth Geo.&Peter 119.140    Sept.26, 1801
        "           "        "        38           "            "
Federal Tax same county:
Leibengutt, George, g.m.,s.m.        200 ac.  2 horse  3 cattle  1.4.3 tax
Leibenguth, John
1.4.4 tax
Warrantees of Land, County of Westmoreland-1773-1892
Jacob Libengood              170           March 3, 1789
Henry Libengood                50           Dec.   6, 1815
Christopher Leibengood,xs.,28           Dec.  13, 1847
1830 Derry Twp. Westmoreland County Cesus:
Henry Livengood
Christian Levengood
A Class Roll of Captain Friderick Kunss Company, Aprill the 18th, 1785
Northampton County
5th Class
Jacob Leibengood
6th Class
George Leibengood
Lehigh County Church Records (Egypt Reformed) 1734-1807 Pa. Archives 6th S..V.6
George Leibenguth w. Catherina
........Johan Peter Leibenguth   b. 1766
        Susanna           "            b. 1768

Christian Leibenguth w. Maria Magdalena
........Maria Magdalena Leibenguth  b. 1767
        Michael Leibingut                  b. 1771
        Maria Susanna Leibingut        b. 1772
        Johannes Leibinguth               b. 1774
        Elizabeth Leibinguth               b. 1775
(Taking a break, for the revolution here!!!!!!)
Berthol Riebelet w. Maria Catherina
.........Johannes Riebelet                 b. 1756    sp. Christina Margaretha Leibeguth

Mar 1998 1       <Webrene1@aol.com>
Vol.2 Abstract's of So. Cent. Pa. Newspapers 1791-1795  Page 1 (1791)
Estate late of William BRACKENRIDGE, decd., improvement and tract in Manallen Twp., with saw-mill and oil-mill, 100 a., adj. lands of Peter STRASSBACH, Daniel NOEL.

Page 61 Same description dated 1792
Vol. 3 Abstract's of So. Cent. Pa. Newspapers 1796-1800  Page 100 (1798)
Sherriff's Sales: (1) Estate of James COOPER, improvement and tract in
Franklin twp., York Co., 250 a., adj. lands of Andrew NOAL and ----  STRAWSPAUGH.

Page 117 (1798)
Sherriff's Sales: (1) Estate of Henry GREG---, messuage and lot in Abbott's town, adj. lots of Frederick BAUGHER and widow JOHNSON. Also a 5 a. lot adj. lots of Robert DOYLE and Peter ICHES. Also 1 other 5 a. lot in twp. aforesaid,
adj. lots of Jacob NOEL and Jacob LINGEFELTER.

Page 79 (1796)
Sherriff's Sales: (1) Estate of Anthony WEAVER, a certain Messuage and lot of 5a. in M'Sherry's town, York Co. adj. lots of Jos. SCHULTZ and Nicholas NOEL.

17 Apr 1998  <Webrene1@aol.com>
St. Michael's, Loretto, page 69 Noel (continued)
John, of John and Mary, b. 1 April, 1828, d. 29 August, 1885

I wonder if the John, father of John above is the same John Sr. that was paid $23.93 on Feb. 17th, 1851 at the estate settlement of Charles Brogan Sr.??? and is that Mary Magdalene Grundy Storm shown above?

In short, is this John, the dad of Blasius(1814-1878)? Is Jr. above his brother???
Isaac m. Mary Magdalen Roudebush 13 Dec. 1829 c: Margaret, Henry Blasius, Isaac Jacob, Catherine Elizabeth, Sarah, David Peter (1830-1839)

Abraham, b. 1788, d. 23 May, 1876

Simon, m. Mary Ann  (Margaret) -----, c: Anthony James, John Henry (1832-1834)

Peter m. Catherine Hoak 20 Dec. 1829
Peter m. Catherine -----, c: Margaret, Jacob, Elizabeth (1824-1829)
Peter m. Mary Hurley 20 August 1833
Peter, d. 28 Sept. 1838
Peter, Mrs. (Sarah Coons) , b. 24 Nov. 1819, d. 1 Sept. 1896

Those wills for Isaac, Nicholas and "Blausius" are in the Pa. County's pages of the USGENWEB Project.

18 Apr 1998  <Webrene1@aol.com>
Nick and Mary (Pollock) Noel had a kid named Abraham G. Noel, born 1785 in Paradise Twp. Adams County Pa.
I found a George, a Francis and a Susan NOEL in some of the Carroll County Catholic Cemetery's last night. I also spotted an Abraham NULL with a long list of relatives buried in one of the non-Catholic cemeteries there. I didn't check out the ignificance of these folk yet though. There are a lot of familiar names planted there. I found them in the USGENWEB Project for Maryland by going through a link off of those Pa. County pages I've been looking through. I got those pictures in the mail today.

25 Apr 1998  <Webrene1@aol.com>
"Ellen McCullough of Newville, Pa., being first sworn according to law, deposes and says that on Oct. 14, 1869, she was married to Sylvester J. Noel, the soldier named above, and lived with him continuously from the date of their marriage until his death on June 5, 1871; that on Sept. 26, 1877, she married Brady McCullough at the First Reformed Church, Greensburg, Pa; that at the time of this marriage no license or public record was required; that a letter was addressed to the Pastor of the said Church at Greensburg, Pa., asking for a certified copy of the marriage record, but a reply to this letter, a copy of which is attached, states that no such record is found; that the laws of Pa. requiring licenses and public records of marriages were not then in existence and were not passed until about 1895; affiant further states that she lived with the said Brady McCullough from the date of their marriage until his death on July 4th, 1908, and that she and the said Brady McCullough lived together continuously from their marriage until his death in 1908 at their farm near Newville, Pa., where affiant has resided continuously since the said Brady McCullough's death. Signed, Ellen McCullough
Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Justice of the peace in and for the above named county and state,(Cumberland Co., Pa.) this 19th of July, 1929 John L.Boyer"

"She was married under the name of Ellen Storm to said Sylvester J. Noel on the 5th day of October 1869 by the Rev. Edward Burns, a Catholic Clergyman at St.Augustine Church in Cambria County, Pa." "Sylvester left surviving no minor child by either herself or any former wife".

Other affidavit's signed by:
Samuel Logsdon
John P. Noel
Placidus Noel
Tabitha McCullough
Everett H. Wright
Marriage Witnesses: D.A.Noel & Agnes Storm
Ellen died March 20th, 1939

The above is an example of the"crap" they had to go through to get a pension check.

 Surnames on my dad's side so far are:
BROGAN? (How'd that one get in there??), PALMER etc.etc.

On me mum's side you have your:
DAVIS etc.etc.

7 May 1998  <Webrene1@aol.com>
Hans Gerhard KAA was the father of Paulus GAA, the father of Anna Barbara GAH, the wife of Christian STURM, the father of Johannes (John) Storm, the father of Mary Magdalene STORM, wife of John NOEL, son and father of the Blasius NOEL'S of Maryland and Westmoreland Counties respectively..........or so I'm told on the web.



OR: Ancestors of Cherish Pamela Deaver
there are about 20 pages to this address.

I just got off the phone (941-471-9387) with Judge Noble K. Littell, author of " Kin of my Grand-children" Vol.1 Storm/Arnold. 30 bucks post paid, so I sent him a check.
He said generally his source was the LDS Files/Library, that's good-nuf fer me!

9 May 1998  <Webrene1@aol.com>
Corporal John P. NOEL of the 11th Pa. Volunteer Inf. Reg. (Oldest of the Pa.Regt's.) was one of Blasius (1814-1878) NOEL's boys, along with Sylvester, David and Placidus. He was best man at Sylvester and Ellen (STORM) NOEL's wedding.
From the civil war records of Sylvester NOEL.

10 May 1998  <Webrene1@aol.com>
 NOEL, Jacob P. d/19 Aug. 1872 @ 45y   ---Willie Kerr(Wife) d/19 Aug. 1879 @ 50y  Westminster Cemetery Carrol County Md.

16 May 1998  <Webrene1@aol.com>
I got that "Bulletin of Old Tryon County", Vol. XXIII, February 1995, Number 1 today.
Article:  "The Search for Michael Tanner"  by

Miles S. Philbeck
407 Colony Drive,
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-7905

Cost, $4.00 plus $1.24 postage.

The Genealogy Society of Old Tryon County
P.O. Box 938
Forest City, N.C. 28043

Great article and it includes photo copies of Tanner vital records from Germany, Wills and etc.
Surname examples: TANNER, STORUM, HESSON(WYSONG), WIKEL, Koontz etc.etc.

17 May 1998  <Webrene1@aol.com>

1) Blaze (Blasius Noel) had no connection with the Storm's (married a SPIES) yet they lived close by (Troublesome  Job). J.S. sold parts of this at different times, Blossy probably bought some.

2) Blaze is listed (count em) three times in John Storms will, he either owes John, or John owes him, I haven't figured it out yet. (the language used).

3) There is a John NOLL/or NULL also listed I forget which, with the same situation as 2) above. (Blossy is also spelled three different ways in the will.)

4) John NOEL is the only real connection with the STORM's via Mary Maggie.

5) M.M. received a 5th share of J.S.'s land in Huntington County Pa. along with a sizable chunk of cash.

In short, it just appears to me that the NOEL's and STORM'S were a pretty close knit bunch and they were probably still in Md., when J.S. died in 1805 and even later. The final accounting of J.S.' will wasn't until after Elizabeth died about 1815.

Note also, that John Storm is buried at the Conewago Chapel graveyard?

19 May 1998  <Webrene1@aol.com>
1) I have an 1860 census record that states Joachim was born in Maryland, and we already know he was born in 1812. Census lists him as 47 years old.
2) I don't know right off where Blasius of 1814 was born but am starting to think it  was Maryland also.
3) Also don't know where the other two of JOHN NOEL's kids were born?

1) John STORM wrote will in 1798 and leaves Mary Maggie some money and eighth part of his property in "Huntington" county, she also gets the eighth part of his personal property.
2) First accounting is 1807, estate receives cash money from JOHN "NULL"and BLAZE "NOEL" among others.
3) I don't have the second accounting but might consider sending for it.
4) Third accounting Aug. 1815, Elizabeth STORM is now deceased.  Bond on Blosey "NOELL"?  It's noted here that John STORM died 4 Oct. 1796.
    Next it states: Money paid to Elizabeth by BLASEUS NOEL, and
    The following each received 608.10.5? from the estate........."MAGDALENA"

Note that John STORM mentions his property in "HUNTINGTON" county...."Cambria" county was formed from Huntington and others in 1804, after John STORM wrote his will thus my theory is that his property was actually in what is now CAMBRIA County. And since JOACHIM is listed in the 1860 census as born in MARYLAND, I suspect that JOHN NOEL didn't leave MARYLAND with the kids until after his Mum Elizabeth died in 1815 or later??

21 May 1998 <Webrene1@aol.com>

I got BLOSSY'S will in the mail today, and not once is he referred to as BLOSSY or BLOSS, just the proper BLASIUS.
Just a few things off the top of me head, then you can ask questions:
1) He wrote it in 1831 but final (5th) accounting wasn't till 1854 believe it or not!
2) "She" couldn't find the 4th accounting.
3) A "John Adelsparger" was a co-executor, the other guy "Joseph Wivell" flat     refused the job!
4) Mary Ann got all his real estate consisting of 100 acres "Landstool" and part of a tract of land consisting of 50 acres "wherein I now dwell"called "Troublesome Job".
5.) After Mary Ann's death, land is to be sold at public or private sale.
Personal Property the same with one share each as follows:
    (These are CHRISTOPHER'S who died before the will was written),
6.) SEBASTIAN OBOLT bought some of the real estate and so did LEVI KREBS
7.) His widow MARY ANN is only mentioned a couple of times, then is referred to as deceased.
8.) It's all readable, but some of the script tends to throw you. You have to remember that what looks like (fs) is in the old script a double s (ss). For example, the word "possession", shows up as "pofsefsion"..........get it?
9.) There are no references to spouses except for the girls as shown above.

2 Jun 1998     Webrene1@aol.com
In the name of God Amen I Paul Andriss of Frederick County being mindful of the shortness of human life but being of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. Imprimis after any just debts and funeral charges are paid & discharged I give and bequeath to my wife Charaty Andriss all the remainder of my property both real and personal to her, her heirs or assigns forever. And lastly I do ordain
constitute and appoint my wife Charaty Andriss whole and sole executrix of this my last will & testament hereby revoking all forms wills by me made and declaring this and none other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my mark and seal this twenty fifth day of October Eighteen hundred and four. Signed Sealed Published and Promised by the testator his to be his last will & testament in the presence of us Paul V  Andriss who in his presence and at his request and in the presence  mark of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witness
Joseph Gordon             Tho.s Todd                Zneris? G. Himmel?

Hey, Wolf left his 3 boys, "three pairs of buckskin breeches" "that I wore". If that doesn't take ya back to those days, noth'n will pilgrim!

9 Jun 1998         Webrene1@aol.com
I just got the "FREDERICK COUNTY WILLS 1744-1946" book in the mail today. Thats what I wanted to tell you, if we can find out the name of Christopher SPEASS' wifes, guess what? We have then found Peter's wifes name! It was Christopher SPEASS, son of Wolfgang, brother of Mary Ann(Wife of BLOSSY) that married Margaret NOEL after Peter/Pierre died. Christopher and Blossy were co-executors of Wolfgangs will.

10 Jun 1998         Webrene1@aol.com
Blasius Noel names his wife Mary, (she is definitely BROGAN) They had:
  John P. NOEL CPL. 11th Pa vol.inf. reg.
  Sylvester is not named since he died of disease contracted in the civil war in about 1870 or 71 (He was married to Ellen  STORM) he also was in the 11th Pa.Vol.'s
   Elizabeth (married Samuel LOGSDON)
   Placidus (married Anise America Libengood)
   Agnes (married James Murphy) she received plot of land #5  Note that Agnes is written in the margin of the will here by
someone??? In the will writeup, he refers to "My daughter intermarried with James Murphy" Later, "I do give unto my daughter NANCY the right of way through Plot#4 along the Burkholder line to the public road".

Based on the above, I think it's safe to assume that Nancy and Agnes are one and the same.

12 Jul 1998         Webrene1@aol.com
I found a Joseph NOEL buried at Conewago Basilica in 1847, (I think that's the date),

3 Sep 1998         Webrene1@aol.com
Peter LEIBENGUTH Journals Pa. German Church Records 3 vol's
Pa. German Pioneers by Strassburger 3 vol's. (Includes their signatures)
History of Adams County
History of York County
Pa. Records Bedford County
Pioneers of Old Monocacy Early Settlement of Frederick County 1721-1743
Ohio Valley Genealogies
Several Mennonite periodicals that reference LEIBENGUTH's (good stuff)
There was a John C. "bella hans" LEIBENGUTH who's wagon wheels and runninggear are still kept at one of the Historical Museums, maybe Somerset Co.?? It seems that they used to have bells on their wagons, and if they got in trouble along the highway, and needed help, they had to turn over their bells to the wagoneer that helped them out. Thus the origin of the phrase "I'll be there with bells on". In the case of John C., the kids would hear his bells ring in the distance and would come running in the house shouting "Do komt der bella hans". Peter Leibenguth supposedly was the first to bring a Conestoga Wagon west of
the mountains, and his daughter Elizabeth was the second born in Somerset Co. or so the legends say? I don't know of any connection yet to these folk though? (He was a Swiss chap) These books, I either have, or they're on the way!

5 Sep 1998 Look'n through another page on Pa. troops in the civil war (78th reg.), their chaplain was a Roman Catholic Priest named Richard C. CHRISTY, which the troops (protestant mostly) resented, but soon changed their minds after they got to know him. The page had his portrait and also some of the troops' portraits. (Joachim NOEL married a CHRISTY!).

 The John C. "bella hans" LIVENGOOD's wagon wheels and running gear are located in the Spring, Pa. historical society.

I recently snapped a picture of Johanes Storm's tombstone at the Sacred Heart Basilica at Conewago, McSherrytown, Pa. He was married to Maria Elizabeth Tanner their daughter Mary Magdalene Storm married John Noel, son of Blasius Noel of

From the records that we have, from parish records in Klein Schifferstadt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, Johannes was baptized there.  Sonsors included. From the headstone his birth has be calculated at 21 jan 1723  from the parrish records his christening 31 jan 1723.  I would say this is strong evidence that these are the same person.

13 Sep 1998         Webrene1@aol.com
 John Storm's oldest brother Johan Jacob Sturm and his sister (married to Johan Jacob Brunner) came over on the ship "Mortonhouse" in 1728. Later, the rest of their families came over including Johannes Sturm (after he grew up!) and
Joseph Brunner, the father of the above Johan Jacob Brunner. With that in mind, take a look at the following URL, it's a good one. It's got me all the way back to ~1600 with Sebastian Sturm and his bride "Fraulein Closs".


30 Sep 1998         Webrene1@aol.com
I have a Pete NOEL that married a "Miss Dull who died leaving ten married children" Jacob, Samuel, Peter, Henry, Bernard, Louis, Gerome, George, Elizabeth and Margaret.  By his second marriage, with Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas NOEL, he had one son and several daughters.

I have a Pius NOEL, a son of Peter R. and Lydia A (Clunk) NOEL 12 kids.......etc.etc.

Peter NOEL 1868 and Peter NOEL 1882 both buried in "Conewago Chapel-yard.



30 Sep 1998         Webrene1@aol.com
 I got Henry LIVENGOOD's civil war papers the other day, the problem is he was only 18 1/2 yr's old when he enlisted, I needed someone more in the range of about 50 or 51 yr's old in 1865. All I know for sure is this one enlisted at Greensburg and had a younger brother C.C.LIVENGOOD, and a wife Nancy Jane (Walker) LIVENGOOD.??

9 Oct 1998         Webrene1@aol.com
Did I tell you there is a Wolffgang and a Catherine ? Spies that had a daughter Anna Magdalena baptized in 1746 at St. Paul's, Bally, Goshenhoppen, Berks County, Pa. Sponsor was A. Bechtl.   ??  I got that from B.B.O'keefe's compilation.

12 Oct 1998         Webrene1@aol.com
I went into B.B.O'Keefe's surname page the other night and plugged in LIVENGOOD to search on and a slew of them popped up, NOEL,STORM,SPIES,TANNER,DURBIN,LOGSDON etc. Reading the above pages, took me through the LIVENGOODS and complete circle from Fayette and Greene and Washington Counties, Pa. back to Frederick County,
Md. by way of a common connection with the HUFFMAN/HOFFMAN line.Seems a HUFFMAN was married to Johannes BRUNNER (these were intermarried with STORM lines) and these same HUFFMAN's had property in the middle of TASKER's Choice/Chance also. Tasker's was the original DULANEY purchase which formed and was divided up among many BRUNNER'S,STORMS',HUFFMAN'S etc. and is presently the town of FREDERICK. Some of the DURBIN's were the originals that came over with Lord Baltimore, and some were Catholic's as was Baltimore, if I remember the Durbin page

15 Oct 1998         Webrene1@aol.com
Found this one in the special collections on that MD. Page I sent you.
Noel, Elizabeth [Mrs.] Burial: Oct. 3, 1794
Source: Special Collections (Great Choptank Parish Collection)
Parish Register 1790-1829, 1838-1885, p.182 [MSA SC 2505 M680]

19 Oct 1998   Sue Bosevich" <bosevich@ilinks.net>
I have very limited info on Henry Leibenguth - and I don't think he is the same one as you mention (perhaps your Henry's father?).

I have: Henry Leibenguth (b. circa 1776, d ?), son of George Leibenguth (b. 1741 in Pa., died 1814).  married Catherine George.  Lived in Derry Twp., Westmoreland Co. Pa.

Per Deed Release, 6 July 1837 at Northampton Co. Courthouse: Henry Leibengood of Derry Twp, Westmoreland Co. do acknowledge that Daniel and Philip Leibegood both of Lehigh Twp in Northampton Co Pa.  The sum of $850. in full satisfaction for my share and portion due from the estate of my late father, George Leibenguth of Lehigh Twp.


Christopher  b.  1796 Northampton Co.
Catharine      b.  1799 or 1804 in Northampton Co. (an LDS sheet shows 1804,
a book "The Doty/Doten Family in America"  shows 1799) m. Andrew Doty


Judy White judyhw@msn.com is the source of the marriage and the first 2 listed children.

The last two children are from an email from Kathy Zima (see below).

Northampton Co.  Pa. tax records list a Henry Leibenguth in Lehigh Twp during 1796 & 1797, owing .25 of tax for each year.
I don't quite know where Jacob fits in.  I do have a Jacob, also son of George, but don't have any indication that he relocated to Westmoreland area: Jurg Jacob Leibenguth (baptized 20 May, 1764, 8 days old last Thursday, in Egypt, Pa. per records of Rev. Daniel Schumacher)

There is a Jacob Leibengut, single freeman owing 0.12.6 in tax - Lehigh Twp, 1786.

Most intriguing is form the book: Abstracts of Rev. War. pension Files by Virgil D. White.  Vol. II, pub. 1991, National Historic Publishing Co, Waynsboro, TN. page 2077 :

Libengood, Jacob (Leibengod) Pa. Line b. 1756 in Northampton Co.  Married Margaret Chambers on 15 March 1801 in Westmoreland Co. d. 6 April 1849 in Indiana Co. Pa.  Lived with parents when he enlisted and after the War, then he moved to Westmoreland Co., then in 1812 he moved to Indian Co. Applied for pension on 27 Dec 1842. Widow applied on 17 nov 1854 in Indiana Co. at age 73 and for BLW on June 12 1858 in Indiana Co. W8 253 BLW#82540-160-55

In the Pa Archives Series 6 Vol 3: Class Roll of Cpt Friderich Kunss Co. Aprill 18, 1785: group 5 Jacob Leibengood group 6 George Leibengood

My take on all of this:  The date of birth stated in the Rev. War pension records (1756) is incorrect (this would be a very common error - especially considering he would have been 94 yrs old when he died).  I believe 1764 is the correct date.  Jacob, lived with parents during and a short time after serving in the Rev. War along side his father, George.  Jacob moved to Westmoreland Co soon after the War (probably late 1780's) where he married Margaret Chambers in 1801, then moved to Indiana Co. in 1812.    Younger brother, Henry moved to Westmoreland Co. Pa. soon after Jacob did - perhaps buying Jacob's land(??).

I did some research over the internet and found the following:

1807 tax list, Conemaugh Twp, Indiana Co. Jacob Libengood, yeoman

Index 1820 census - Indiana Co. Jacob Livengood, Conemaugh Twp, (p 10)

Index 1830 census - Indiana Co. Jacob Libengood - Conemaugh Twp, (p 195)

Jacob Libengood 40th P. Volunteers, 11th Reserves - Company E enlisted on 21 June 1861 wounded in action discharged 17 Dec. 1862 (this is the one you think might be your Henry's son)

28 Nov 1998      Webrene1@aol.com
I got Jacob Leibengood's papers and he is definintely Anise America Libengood's brother. He was shot above the ankle, again in the area of the knee on the other leg, and across the side of the head with the ball exiting his left ear, all in the same battle of "Gaines Mill". He was discharged on account of the wounds, but re-enlisted in the signal corps and again discharged in July 1865. Around 1907, the pension people questioned him on the spelling of his name, and made in return his pension
vouchers because of the mis-spelling "Libengood" which he stated should be "LEIBENGOOD". They were paying him twelve bucks a month at the time. Their own records show as follows: LEYBENGOOD, LEIBENGOOD, LEVENGOOD, LIVENGORD. LIVERGOOD, LIBENGOOD, LIEBENGOOD, LIVINGOOD etc.etc.
I expect John P.  and Jonas NOEL'S papers any day now.

29 Nov 1998        Webrene1@aol.com
Be careful, Blasius of Md.'s daughter Mary Magdalene was married to a Lansinger, and Catherine to an Oboldt. Also, I think this Catherine is the same person as the mysterious Caty, Marilyn Waterman shows them as two distinct persons.

29 Nov 1998         Webrene1@aol.com
Marilyn states that Eliza Anne NOEL was raised by her grand parents John and Mary Maggie NOEL.

Joachim was born 1812 (my mistake), he married Mary A. Christe (first wife) in 1832 in Lorretto, Cambria County. Thats the earliest date I have on him in the "west". According to Marilyn, John and Mary were also raising their grand-children Emanuel and Cecilia along with Eliza Ann.

29 Nov 1998         Webrene1@aol.com
Christopher of Blossy, died in Wrightsville, Pa. in 1819, was married to Esther ? Info from "Conewago" page 51, "Noel Tree" page 2 and Harve's letter of Sept. 1990 above is from Marilyn's book. This may be the earliest date in the "west". Chris's 4 kids.....not named..... together were entitled to one adult share in Bloss's will.

1) Wrightsville is in York Co. where Rte.30 crosses the Susquehanna River. If this is where Christopher died in 1819, it supports a later move west by the lads.

2) Marilyn shows Joachim married Mary A. Christe on  May 7, 1832 St. Vincent's Abbey Latrobe, not Lorretto, my mistake, this is in her book.

Marilyn also states that Blossy owned a freight hauling business in MD., maybe Chris was working for him, and died "on the road"? (He was killed while hauling Logs from a Newspaper account)

30 Nov 1998         Webrene1@aol.com
1)Wolfgang Speass ~1776 Will
2)Blasius Noel ~1762        Will
3)Blasius Noel   1814        Will
4)Joachim Noel  1812       Will
5)Michael Tanner 1776     Will
6)Johannes Storm ~1805  Will
7) Estate settlement of Charles Brogan Sr. (lotsa Noel's listed, ever "John Sr."
Note: The above wills include the "located/available" accountings

30 Nov 1998 1 <noel@mcn.org>
1850 Census Derry Twp

NOEL,  Joachim    41  m    farmer   PA
     Ellen                  41   f                 PA
          Ann E             3  f                  PA
          Damitas 2/12/98 m                PA

NOEL Blasies         40   m    farmer   PA
     Mary                  42   f                   PA
                Nancy     13   f                   PA
                Elisabeth 11   f                   PA
                Sylvester   9  m                  PA
                Charles     7  m                  PA
                John         5  m                   PA

NOEL John                71   m   farmer     PA
      Magdalene            64   f              PA
                   Caulia      12   f              PA
               Amanuel    10   m              PA

NOLE/NOEL  Alaysius  34  m  labr  PA
Christene            30  f        PA

Lucinda Noel    8       f         PA  living with  (Jacob Noel's Kid)
BEAMER    Adam  56  m  cooper      PA
        Mary            48  f              PA

FRIEND    John       45  m   labr    Ger
Barbara Ann             41  f               PA
       Joseph    4/12/98    m               PA
       Luisa C Noel     20   f              PA
       Susan Noel       13   f              PA
       William H Noel   15   m           PA
       Julyann Noel    10   f               PA
       Lucinda A Noel   8   f              PA
       Martha F Noel    5   f               PA

Mary Noel   70  f  living with
PATTERSON  Thomas  53 m farmer
    Sarah                          50  f

*      Cecelia Noel 13   f    PA  living with
CASE John   28  m    farmer    PA
          Luisa   20            f                    MD

Cicely Noel  13   f         PA  living with  (Maybe the same girl)
KIMMEL  Nancy   57   f       MD

3 Jan 1999         Webrene1@aol.com
NOEL, Peter  (Son of Joseph)
Company `H' - 28th IA Infantry Wounded at Champino's Hill, Died of wounds 21 July 1863 at St. Louis

5 Jan 1999         Webrene1@aol.com
 The Noel Family....pages 32 & 33 Question:
York County, Pa. 14 May 1822 Petition of Esther, widow of Christopher Noel.  Jacob Rehman appointed guardian of children, all under age 14: Catherine, Eliza Ann. Mary, and William Noel.

The above would be the kids of Chris, mentioned in Blossy's will. Could this be the same Eliza Ann that married Charles Brogan Jr. and lived next door to some Brogan's in Westmoreland Co.

Marilyn's book questions "who were the parents of Eliza Ann Noel"? She states that she thought she was Joachim's daughter and was left out of his will due to Charles problems with the priest in Ohio.

The problem is she states that Eliza was born in 1833 which makes her pretty young for Charles who was in the Mexican War in 1846 and also the Civil War?? Also, I have no evidence that Joachim had a daughter Eliza Ann??

Summary:  If Chris's daughter and Charles Jr's wife are the same person, it supports my theory of a later (>1822) move to Westmoreland County????  Could Chris's kids be some that my John cared for??  Remember that Christopher died in Wrightsville, York County in 1819. Could John have brought Chris's kids to Westmoreland County??

Looking further in Marilyn's book, she does state that Eliza Ann (Charles Brogan Jr's wife) was raised by her "grandparents" John and Mary Magdalene. But if she was Chris's kid, they would be her Aunt and Uncle. Do you have anything that shows that Joachim had a daughter Eliza Ann?? I don't.

1) John P. said in an affidavit that he knew he was born in 1845 cause his Father and Mother, Blausius and Mary told him that's when he was born and he remembered it.No wonder he made Corporal huh.
2) John P. is buried at a Catholic Cemetery in Greensburg, so your brother may be right about the John at St. V's being Blossy's dad.
3) Theres more info, but tough reading.

13 Jan 1999         Webrene1@aol.com
John P. married Agnes Cecelia Ransil or Rancil Dec. 26th 1867 in Latrobe Pa. by Rev. Jerome Kearny (Was this St. V.'s??)....no remarriages and no divorce.  Lived together for 48 years.

Anna Noel     b. Jan.23 1870     deceased
Albert Noel    b. Oct.25 1875     living
Loretta Noel   b. Dec. 4 1877     living
Rose C. Noel b. July 8  1880     living
Note: This paper is dated March 28 1915

Rose C. took care of J.P. until he died and was buried at "Most Holy Sacrament Church" 412 North Main St., Greensburg, Pa. July 13, 1923.

John P. tended bar in Greensburg where he lived. Also was a hotel clerk.

The info in the Stevens page that he married Sarah Jane Mansfield is obviously wrong. ( there is an other John P Noel)

Note: There is an affidavit by an Alexander Moore that was sent in from McGREGOR, IOWA, Dec. 9, 1891 which was interesting.

13 Jan 1999   Webrene1@aol.com
Jonas married Lavina J. Nicely Feb. 28,1864 in Ligonier by D.S.Geeting Esq.
Nettie L.     March 1866
Wm. H.      May 30 1867
Harriet M.   Nov. 2   1868   died
Amanda J. Feb. 28 1870
Rosean      Dec 15  1871   died April 8, 1873
Edward J.   April 4, 1873
Minta J.      Sept. 11 1875
Barton (Berdie) B.    Nov. 16 1877
Milton J.(Joseph M.) Nov. 18, 1879
Harry O.     July  18, 1884.

Jonas had his front teeth kicked out by a mule at Antietam, Had two fingers broken when kicked by a horse. Note: Jonas was hostler for the Colonel at Headquarters. Jonas was a farmer all his life and had different people work for him and he also worked for other people. One of those he worked for was the grandfather of a guy that gave an affidavit. The grandfather also gave an affidavit and his name was Samuel Logsdon.

Jonas said he wound up in the hospital when he got his teeth kicked out "I was hurt, but not senseless". Said when he got up he ran away from the hospital and returned to his unit. Most of his affidavits refer to him as "a little fellow". 5'4"   126 lb.    fair hair     light complexion         blue eyes   (124 lb. when he died also)
John P. Noel 5' 5 1/2"      160 lb.     brown hair      light complexion       brown eyes

There is a sister of J.P. in there named Murphy and another Murphy probably in-law that co-witnessed an affidavit.

Neither of these two could take care of themselves when they died, but both lived a long life!

14 Jan 1999         Webrene1@aol.com
I mighta been mistaken, since I went through their papers again and only saw first name Henry's. The one exception is that Sylvester Noel and Mathilda Anna Henry were witnesses at Emanuel Noel's wedding. Emanuel married Margaret Logsdon daughter of Raphael Logsdon. Raphael is probably either the son or brother of Samuel Logsdon that John P. Noel worked for at one time as stated in Sam's affidavit. That's all I saw on HENRY'S anyway.

Note: Both John P. and Jonas show in their physical's that they received gun-shot wounds. I think there were probably a lot of these went un-reported, since neither one of them got any credit toward their pensions due to these wounds. For that matter, neither did Emanuel who got shot in the left breast.

14 Jan 1999         Dominic <noel@mcn.org>
I came across this again and this is the reason that I believe that John Noel who's wife was Petronilla and whose child was Mary b in Jan, bapt the 1st 1804; SP  Simon Ruffner and Margaret Griffy  was the same John of Derry.

Margaret Noel of Joseph and Margaret Noel, b 25 June, bapt 4 Sept 1809; Sponsors < Simon Ruffner and Margaret Griffy. >

John Noel and Mary Kuhn sponsored Peter Zindorff of George and Anna Zindorff, b 12 Oct, evidently of the preceding year, bapt 24 April 1803. Note! This John could be the son of Nicholas Noel both of whom went to Loretto. Although the Zindorff's interacted with all the Noel's.

Margaret Griffy/Griffin was the mother of Joseph Noel's  wife. Patrick, her husband was alive in April 1805.

Nore! This John is still a mystery.

15 Jan 1999         Webrene1@aol.com
The only difference with John & Petronilla is that my stuff comes from BBO's compilation of the records of St. V.'s (Helbron registers). Hers only show a difference in the sponsor. It still doesn't show who this John is??

Maria Noel was baptized Aug.6th 1834 at Saint Simon & St.Jude in Blairsville. (Daughter of Joachim and Anna Criste "ink is faded and unclear") why did they do that? (ref. Harvey in Marilyn's book)

Susan's papers show that Blossy of  MD. was in his 80's in the 1830 census which I don't think can be disputed, so we should probably throw out his 1762 b. date eh? He died 1832/3?

Did I send you the estate settlement of Charles Brogan Sr.?? Did you notice there is reference to a John Noel Sr. in there?? In the German tradition, there wouldn't have to be a father and son, this is just to distinguish an older one from any younger one!

Blossy's son Jacob b.ca 1792 was married to Barbara O'bold, daughter of Joseph O'bold. Marilyn's book. (Info. from "Conewage" page 51, "Noel Tree" page 2 and Harve's letter 1990. I believe it was Catherine that also md. an O'boldt

John P. Noel lived at: 318 Oakland Ave., Greensburg, Pa. So did his daughter Rose C. Noel when he died, the house is probably still there?? The priest' name at Most Holy Sacrament Church signed as Rev. Linus Brugger, Pastor

Mrs. Agnes F. Murphy (his sister) testified to his age, saying she knew it since she was 8 years old when he was born, and also from the Family Register. There are also Ella J. Murphy and a Margaret Murphy sworn in and witnessed. I believe we were in contact with a Murphy girl that enquired about Blasius a few months back, do you remember her?? I think she was to have a very serious operation, and I haven't heard from her since?? Agnes Cecelia Noel nee "Ransil" died April 15th 1918 wife of J.P.Noel died April 13, 1923

16 Jan 1999         Webrene1@aol.com
These that I'm sending are only the ones that the priest had marked in red! I found an additional NOEL in thr process of sorting these out that he over looked. The pages he sent are by no means all of their records, just the surnames I asked for, you can tell this by the page numbers and let me say that he had to work to sort out what he sent me!

1) 1815 Henry son of Blase and Mary Ann NOEL 24 Feb.  18 years old

2)  Blasius NOEL died 14th Aug. 1832   76 or 78 years old (looks like 78 to me??)

1804 John Noel married Magdalena Storm 25 Nov. Witnesses:Jos.& Maria Storm
Note: The next entry was scratched out, priest note in red says he doesn't
know why?
1814 James Hammon married Elizabeth NOEL 28 Aug. Wit: J.Shorbs & C. Shorbs
1820 Anthony Storm md. Ann Burke 18 Jan. Wit: Catherina Walker & Michael NULL
1822 4 Feb. Wm. Arnold married Ann NOEL Wit: Ann Arnold & Michael NOEL
1842 May   George Fouler married Mary NOEL  Wit: none shown
28 March 1842 George NOEL married Rachel Fowler  Wit: none shown

NAME      BIRTH       PARENTS                     BAPTISM             GOD-PARENTS
Josias    1 Nov.1807  John&Rachel Waterson     13 Dec.1807      Blase&Mary NOEL

Philip     11Feb 1807 Ignatius&Mary Winter          ? Dec.1807 Peter&Cath. NOEL

Helena      Aug. 1800 John&Elizabeth NOEL       20 Nov.1812     Cath.&Jacob NOEL

James NOEL 24 July 1816 Jacob&Susanna         3 Feb.1817      Mary Hardr...??

Joseph NOEL
         Note:The last entry was the one I thought might be Mary Andriesen ??

Henrietta Aug.1824 Daughter of Michael&Ann NOEL  21 Aug.   Anthony & Ann Arnold

Ruina Emily 17July 1826 Michael&Ann NOEL         13 Aug.   Elias Arnold & Benjamin Durbin

1853         O'neill pastor

April 11th At Westminster Baptized William Francis son of Geo.NOEL and Rachel  Fowler his wife. Sponsors Thos.B.Hause and Elizabeth Ann Baumgardner.
1854         O'neill pastor

Aug.20th  At St. Joseph's Ch. Taneytown Baptized Jerome Louis son of Adam Oler & Mary NOEL his lawful wife. Sponsors David L. Wood? and Malinda Oler                Born 28th of May 1854.

1) Looks like Mcaty NOEL, the priest's note in red say "Mary NOEL"??

2) P.NOEL  Confirmed by The most Rev. Ambr. Marechal of Baltimore

3) Last day of April 1823    James NOEL Confirmed by The most Rev. Ambrose Marechal of Baltimore

17 Jan 1999         Webrene1@aol.com
Nov. 19, 1833 Thomas Longmere married Susanna Risher/Fisher       W.    Warner  (Tanneytown, MD)

17 Jan 1999         Webrene1@aol.com
All I know about that lot is that my Joe Weber was born 1855 in Hessen, notheast of Frankfurt am Main, came to the U.S. of A. in 1870. He was supposed to have written letters back and forth with his pap Henry Weber, spouse of Felicitas Stehling Weber. Was naturalized in 1871, and proceded making his thirteen kids. His wifes name was Theresa/Tarissa  oldbach/Goldbaugh who was born also im vaterland, sprung from Bernet/Bernard Goldbach/Goldbaugh and Sophia Bott Goldbach/Goldbaugh. Was a laborer and a plummer's helper, I think he worked for his kids. By the way, I think "Uncle Lee"(NOEL) my grand-ma's brother of The Spanish American War fame was a plummer along with the rest of them. They belonged to St. Joseph's Church in Duquesne where I myself was baptized. I also have his picture. NOTE: There is a Felicitas Stehling in the familytreemaker all by herself listed on a CD.

18 Jan 1999  Webrene1@aol.com
I did a little of that triangulation and cross check'n and get this, Blossy and Mary Ann were sponsors for a John Waterson's kid at St.Joeseph's. John Waterson is also shown in John Storm's will. So I threw his name in the hat at familytreemaker and lo and behold, he shows up on the Mackey page in Blairesville, Indiana County, PA. Who is this masked man??

Jan 1999    Webrene1@aol.com
Fact 1) Pete Noel was 29 yr's old, the son of Joseph Noel and Maria Longmeyer, when he enlisted Aug 11th 1862 at Millersburg Iowa.  Eyes blue, hair brown, complexion light, height 5'10" Born, Westmoreland Co, Pa.

Fact 2) Oct. 31, 62  Present
            Nov.& Dec. 62  Absent, Taken prisoner on picket near Helena Ark.
            Dec.29, 62
             Paroled the next day.
             Jan.& Feb., 63 Present
             March, April  63 Present
             May, June 63 Absent....Left in Hosp. Wounded in battle of Champion Hill May 16, 63
               Sept. Oct. 63..............Died July 20th 63 at City Hosp. St.Louis, Mo.Wounds rec. in battle.

Wounded at Champion Hill May 16th by a minnie ball fracturing radius and ulna of left arm.......Amputation performed at lower third May 26th. When admitted in very low condition...Arm gangrenous...Suffering from Diarhea
July 10 ......much depressed
July 16th....no appetite
July 20th....very feeble, died
July 21st....died at midnight?

On a "U.S.Hospitals certificate for government undertakers" John A. Smither, Office, No.113 Chestmut, between 5th and 6th streets, St. Louis, MO..
NOTE: Scrawled in the top right corner of cert. are the words "Taken by his brother."

There are no pension files, just military and medical.

20 Jan 1999 22:    Webrene1@aol.com
Another from the "boat" lines? (St. Joseph's, Tanneytown, MD records)

22 July 1826, Joseph Orey married Rebecca Konig....No witnesses!  Note: (KONIG is witha umlaut)

I think I mighta found another Noel, "Francis, born 15 Feb. 1817" of Wm. & Ann, baptized  4 April 1817   Gossips (god-parents): Francis  Kristey? & Henry Spalding?  Be careful, this would need further work, to be sure.

21 Jan 1999      Webrene1@aol.com
 Francis Scott Key was also the son of John Ross Key a lietenant of Artillery that went to the defense of Boston at the beginning of the Rev. War and went on to be a famous general. He lived close to John Storm, and is referenced in John Storm's will.  J.R.Key lived at "Terra Rubra" in MD.

Bernard Kaen/Haen/Kaes? married Charlotte Del'o    Witness:  J.Lynch
List of those persons who were confirmed on the last  day of April 1823 by the most Rev. Ambr. Marechal Arbp. of Baltimore April 30, 1823  Tanneytown, MD

Sarah Shoemaker
Carolina Shoemaker
Apparell M. Hayden
Margaret Arnold
Elizabeth Lockland
Eliza Lockland
John Lockart
Adam Bauer
Elias  Sturm
Michael Lynck
Barnabas Oneal???
John Fouler
Joseph Fouler
Augustin Arnold
Pamela Arnold
Helena Hayden
Samuel Orendorff
James Ogg
Helena Beavers
James Noel
John Christi
James Arnold
Helena Galagher
Margaret Adelsburger- The first Tera ex his,qui fons erant-

Note: These are only a fraction of the surnames that are in the said 24 pages!

Note: Don't know what "The first Tera ex his,qui fons erant" means??

Note: Confirmation was at twelve yrs. old when I was a kid.
         Don't know if it was the same then or not?
Elias Sturm was Confirmed at St.Joseph's in April 1823, but I don't show his Baptism in these records. The only Elias I can find in the "books", is the son of John Storm from Loretto (killed in Mexico in 1847), this Elias was born in 1823, but it
doesn't say where?

Cofirmed the 17th of Sept. 1818 by the most Rev. Ambr. Marechal Arbp. of Baltimore.  John Del'o'   sponser: J.Adelsberg
   From the records of St. Joseph's R.C.Church, Taneytown, MD.

Jan 1999         WMackey615@aol.com
In regard to Richard Weber's original question about John Waterson " Who is this masked man" He was from Conewago and married one of the Eck girls before moving west; there are some old pictures of this family in Helen Arkey's "Eck Family" book.

23 Jan 1999      Webrene1@aol.com
I found a M.Magdalene Storm daughter of Christopher and M.Ann Storm that died at age 4yrs. and 3 moths old, 7 August, 1815. (Storm page needs a little adjustment here)

1816, John Burke married Catherine Storm 25 August Witness's: Ann Burke and George Mattingly. (Same here) Note that Catherine died at age 21 in 1819, the same year that Christopher Noel died in Wrightsville.

St. Joseph's R.C. Church, Taneytown, MD. "Storm surname information"

1815 M.Magdalene daughter of Christopher & M.Ann Storm  Aug. 4yrs&3mos old

1804 John Noel m. Magdalena Storm 25 Nov.--Jos.Storm & Maria Storm

1811 John Ecknarot m. Elizabeth Adams 3 Sept.--Sus.Storm & John Eck

1818?John Burke m. Catherina Storm 25 Aug.--Ann Burke & George Mattingly

1820 Anthony Storm m. Ann Burke 18 Jan.--Catherina Walker & Michael Null

1826 April- Jacob Gouger m. Elizabeth Orendorff--Anthony Wivil & Margaret Storm

22 April 1828 Anthony Wivil m. Margaret Storm--Josiah Adelberg

6 Feb. 1833 John Classon m. Ann Storm--Francis Peters & G.McLester

M.Magdalena Feb.1807--Jacob & Magdalene Baumgarden--bapt.Feb.1807 God-parent:Peter Storm

Mary Ann 21 Feb.1812--Sebastian & Ester Adelsberg--bapt.4 March 1812 God-parents: Michael Adelberg & Cath. Storm

Rebecca 21 Aug.1815 Sebastian & Ester Adelsberg--bapt.18 Aug. God-parent Elizabeth Storm

Margaret Oct. 1825 Charley & Nariah Rosenstille--bapt.Oct. Godparent:Elizabeth Storm N-3???

Rebecca Ann 15 Feb.1823 Anthony&Ann Storm--bapt.1 Oct. God-parents:John&Mary Burke

Isaias 16 Feb. 1826 Anthony&Ann Storm--bapt.1 Oct. God-parents:Patrick Burke & Eliz. Storm

Elizabeth 23 Aug.1826 Michael&Sophia Grilley?--bapt.8 Sept.1826 God-parent:Elizabeth Storm

Sophia Christina 8 March 1828 Sophia & John Wivil--26 May 1828 God-parent:Mary Ann Storm

Catherina Rebecca 11 Sept.1840 Anthony&Margaret Wivil 15 Sept.1840 God-parent:Rebecca Storm

Adelaide 24 Dec.1845 Joseph&Elizabeth Welty--bapt.10 Feb. God-parent:Elizabeth Storm

Baptism entry is in Latin Feb.1848
Jacobus (James) Thomas 26 Nov. 1847 John Hockenschmitt&Elizabeth Storm
Sponsors:Joseph Gardner & Barbara Gardner--------Rev. P.F.Knutil CSSR

Confirmation's Sept. 1818 by Rev. Ambr. Marechal Arbp. of Baltimore
George Welthy----Sponsor:Anthony Storm
Ann Storm----Sponsor:Ann Burke

Confirmation April 1823 by Rev. Ambr. Marechal Arbp. of Baltimore
Elias Sturm----Sponsor:None Listed

4 Feb 1999     Webrene1@aol.com
I found a Joachim STORM and a Jno. NOEL, one above the other in the Bedford County Census of 1810

Joachim Storm is also in the 1820 census of Bedford County, same township.  This time it's spelled Joakim STORNE with a * which means the spelling is ??

I made another discovery last night, Roger Brooke Taney also swore into office, none other than honest Abe himself !!

By the way, Joachim STORM is Mary Maggie's brother, she is Blasius' 1814-1878's ma.

8 Feb 1999   "ladyskye" <ladyskye@cyberport.net>
I find an entry in the 1800 Census of Frederick County as follows :  Election District # 5 Taney Town

NOEL,   Blosse       males      females
Under 10                     6               1
10-16                           0               1
16-26                           2               0
26-45                           0               0
Over 45                        1               1
No Slaves

NOEL, Regina     1745 - 5 Dec. 1812   ( Taneyt. Luth. 87)

AND BURIALS   1743 - 1811       Weiser

1804  Aug. 10 buried Melchior Tobeler , born the 15th
[month not given] 1725, parents unknown. Married 1st,
1747 Cathar. Dorin and had 6 sons and seven daughters,
of whom 3 daughters died.  Married second April 8, 1779
Phillippina SPIESS. One half year before his death he was
lamed by a stroke and lay paralyzed from then on in his bed,
took a fever and died Aug. 9 at 10:30 p.m.,  aged 79 years,
6 months, 23 days.

1804   Sept. 5 buried Juliana Ostertag, born June 17, 1732,
father, Conrad Spiess, the mother, N.N.  Married Jan. 22, 1750
and had in 52 years of married life 8 sons and 4 daughters, of
whom 1 son and 1 daughter died. Became sick from constipation
and died Sept. 4 at 3:30 p.m. , aged 72 years, 2 months, 18 days.

I don't imagine this will do you any good, but you never know where
it could fit in. In researching my SPEAKS line I have found references
to other spellings such as SPEASS. While there aren't too many obvious
SPIES references, there are more SPEAKS. It really is a wonder there
was any uniformity at all for a time when even the census takers were

I did come across the following in a 1837 Tax List of Carroll County, Taneytown District:
Noal, Blassey (heirs) - no tract name - no house listed- 100 acres.

8 Feb 1999    Webrene1@aol.com
1)Bloines Noel built a barn at 100a pt of Landstool in 1798, assd before to Geo. NIPPLE.

2)Boweresock, Geo. A.; pt Unity, 100a, log barn, assd last to Jno. Nowel    Note: Jno. stands for John based on the index for John R. Key, in the text it says     Jno. Ross Key.

3)Blazon NOEL Pvt. under Capt. Ogle, Samuel, 1 May-5 Jul.1813
   Capt.Samuel Ogle's company, from the Fredericktown and Emmittsburgh area was called up on 1 May 1813 and marched to Baltimore and joined the new formed 2nd Regiment under Lieut. Col. Richard K. Heath. Private Benjamin Gump said the company was stationed at the "Old Orchard."  They were discharged on 5 July.  Some said they were discharged at Spring
Gardens in Baltimore; some said the place of discharge was Federal Hill; others recalled they had been dismissed at the Patapsco Encampment near the city of Baltimore.

Note: 1) and 2) are from "The particular assessment lists for Baltimore and Carrol Counties 1798 by George J.Horvath, Jr.

Note: 3) is from Frederick County Militia In The War of 1812 by Massick & Wright

9 Feb 1999   Webrene1@aol.com
The family of Blasius Noel of Tanneytown In the 1800 Census, looks like:
Under 10
Peter  ca.1790 per M.Waterman book
Christopher died 1819
Jacob  ca. 1792 per M.Waterman, and married Barbara O'bold of Joseph O'bold
Blasius I  N/A dead
Blasius II   1792- ?    (Was In war of 1812)
Caty  Feb. 7, 1794 Per M.Waterman book
Henry 1797-1815 died at 18 yrs old.
Michael 1798?
Mary Magdalene ?
Joseph 1777-1839 per DN
John 1779-1852? (the 1850 census of Derry shows him at 71, Marilyn states 79?)
Over 45
Blosse should show 1754-1832, that would match St.Jos. entry of 78 yrs old
Mary Ann ??

NOTE: Catherine and Mary Magdalene married the Lansinger & O'bold lads.

13 Feb 1999    Webrene1@aol.com
I have a Wm. Arnold married Ann NOEL witnessed by Mike Noel & Ann  Arnold
It comes from Early families of York Co. Pa.

Placidus Noel  in-laws.
30 Apr 1999      "judyhw" <judyhw@email.msn.com>
Well how about that!   For the first time it appears that your Henry D. & my Henry Jr. where not one & the same.

Yours was married to Eliz. Palmer.  On the 1850 & 1860 census for Derry, my Henry Jr. shows being married to Mary, Mary  Ann.  I don't know what year he ied.  I'll see if I have any info on that, though I don't think so. Some of my Henry Jr.s children were:   Lewis, Eliza, Martha, mary, etc.

12 Feb 1999    Delores Kugler <dakugler@apk.net>
In Early Families of York Co., Volume I, page 48, after a description of the Michael Sprenckel family, the following:  "Michael (Sprenckel) died in York County, Manchester Township, Pennsylvania in June, 1748.  His will was written on June 6, 1748, the same date that George Mayer and Michael Tanner were appointed guardians of Michael's minor children, and
probated on June 10, 1748."

In Digges' Choice, on page 68 is the following:

TRACT #77  "Tanner's Repository"
PA Warrant 30 April 1772 to Michael Danner, in trust for the Menonist
Congregation, 6 acres.
PA Survey 30 May 1774 by Arch McClean
PA Return 5 Aug 1774
PA Patent 8 Aug 1774 to Michael Danner
12 acres, 12 shillings
(PCS A87-54, PPB AA12-287)

Michael Danner Sr, Hanover, yeoman; John Schenck, Manheim Twp; Jacob
Kagy, Heidelbert Twp; John Welty, Manheim Twp; and James Miller, Manheim
Twp ("John Schenck and Jacob Kagy being Ministers, and John Welty and
James Miller being Elders, of the Menonist Congregation in Manheim
Twp"), to Adam Eichelberger, Manheim Twp, York Co., PA, innkeeper, 17
May 1775; 12 acres - "in behalf of the German Lutheran and German
Reformed Calvinists and others of the neighborhood for the use of
erecting a schoolhouse on the property", L(English pound sign)6. [YCLR F-372]

PCS=Pennsylvania Copied Survey
PPB=Pennsylvania Patent Book
YCLR=York County Land Record, York Co., PA

1749-1819 wills
3 Mar 1999 00:09:30 EST   Webrene1@aol.com
WILLS 1749-1819
Oct.27, 1765   Jun 10, 1766
Noel, John. Executors: Margaret and Nicholas Bettinger.
Paradise Township. Wife: Margaret Noel.
Children: Andrew, John, Peter, Jacob, Nicholas,
Casper and Philip

Oct.19, 1771   Oct.29, 1771
Noell, Peter. Executors: John Heidler and Peter Noell.
Paradise Township. Wife: Margaret Noell.
Children: John, Peter, Daniel, Barbara wife of Peter Straspach,
Magdalena, Margaret, Mary wife of Anthony Sell.


   11 Apr 1999 1   Webrene1@aol.com
     dwelling.....        family....
    686     ...........     706......
 NOEL.....John..........................71  m     Pa   $800
                Magdalene                 64  f     Pa
                      Caulia(Cecelia?)         12  f     Pa
                      Amanuel(Emanuel?)   10  m    Pa

Note: These would obviously be Joachim Noel's kids !

17 Apr 1999    Webrene1@aol.com
"The Valley Of The Conemaugh" originally printed in 1865
Reprinted in 1995,
Reprinted Limited to 500 copies of which mine is # 397
This is the book on the Blairsville site that I sent.
It mentions McGUIRES, STORM'S etc. as being among
the first settlers.
A LEVERGOOD tannery is mentioned, and there is a
biography of Prince Gallitzen, and others.
I just finished reading it, and it's pretty good. 206 pages.

Christopher Noel S/O Blasius
   24 Apr 1999   Dominic <noel@mcn.org>
   From LDS microfilm # 1036090
Christopher Noel died O 30 1819 near Wrightsville while he was hauling logs, a
spring pole broke and hit him on the nape of the neck.  Gazetty  N 4 1819
N 4 1819 Estate of Christopher Noel of Wrightsville. Esther Noel & Tempest Wilson Adm.
Orphans Court
N375 May 14 1822 On petition of Esther, widow of Christopher Noel deceased, Jacob Rehman is appointed guardian of
decedant's minor children all under 14, Catharinre,
Eliza Ann, Mary, and Wm Noel.
J 1 1813 Wm Wright  & Deborah his wife: to Jacob Noel: for $150: lot #66 in
S1 1815 Jacob Noel of Wrightsville, yeoman, to Chas. Boddey: for $200 the above lot.
S 22 1813  Henry Newcomer & Elizabeth, his wife, to Christoper Noel & George Green of  Columbia for $150, eastern half
lot #89 in Wrightsville.

Ap 23 1814 George Green to Christopher Noel for $137.50 his interest in above.
F 24 1824 Rodger McFall & Esther Noel (widow) both of Wrightsville, execute a pre-nuptial contract.
July 3 1828  Jacob Noel, s/o Blasius m Barbara Obold.

1 May 1999
Note that this John P. Noel is not the brother
of Sylvester, Placidus and David as some list
him as. I'm not sure who he is??
Their brother John P. stayed with the same
chick for many years!

It seems there are two Henry Leibengood's in
Derry at the same time.
Henry D. m. Elizabeth Palmer and
Henry Jr. m. Mary Ann Willets
It's giv'n me fits sort'n it out.
A Mrs. Leibengood shows up on the
1867 atlas. This one is mine, Elizabeth Palmer Leibengood.
Once I figure out who Henry D.'s dad is, I will be
able to get all the way back to Das BOAT !!
Cause they are all definitely related, I figured that much out.

4 May 1999    Webrene1@aol.com
I have Sylvester died at "Penn Station, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania" on the 5th of June 1871.

He died of disease contracted while with Co. K. 11th Pa. Vol. Inf. Regiment.after the Civil War.

Married Ellen Storm the 5th of Oct. 1869 at St. Augustine Church in Cambria County by the Rev. Edward Burns, Pastor of St. Augustine. They had no kids, he may have had nieces? taking care of him, cause he was mighty sick, and refused to see a doctor thinking it wouldn't do him any good even though his mother (Mary Brogan Noel) told him to go. (Per his brother Placidus Noel's testimony).

The last mail I saw on this said one of the two girls was named Ellen, and I suggested at that time that Ellen was probably his wife ! Sounds like the same Sylvester to me !

   18 May 1999     "judyhw" <judyhw@email.msn.com>

This is the info on George I have here Dick Musselman has all the original
papers .Be carefull George Spelled his name Leibenguth
but as you can see. Other pepole spelled it different. There was only one
george Leibenguth in Northampton Co at the time.George
did have a son George Later but you can tell then apart by ther ages. I am
going to sent Dick Weber my files when I get home next
week . I will tell him to pass it on to any body who want's it.  PS Please
pass this on to Dick Weber

"History of Lehigh County", by Charles Rhoads Roberts, 1914
Book is available at the Lehigh County Historical Society, Allentown, Pa.
A Taxlist of Whitehall Township of 1762, Samuel Saeger, Collector, lists
George Leibenguth with an assessment of £11.0.0.

"Lehigh County Historical Society", Vol.#1, 1908
Book is available at the Lehigh County Historical Society, Allentown, Pa.
History of the Reformed Congregation of the Egypt Church, Charles Rhoads
pp. 70-83
In 1767 George Leibenguth's name appears on a list of donars who were
supporting the purchase and improvement of a parsonage. His
assessment was £0.5.0.

"History of Egypt Church", by Charles R. Roberts & Rev. J.D. Schindel, D.D.,
Allentown, Pa., 1908
Book is available at the Lehigh County Historical Society
George Leibenguth contributed £0.5.0 toward the purchase of a house and six
acres of land situated in what was called "Moyer's
Valley" for a parsonage for the Egypt Church. (This occurred between 1767
and 29 May 1771)
By 1785 no Leibenguth is listed as an assessed member of the Egypt Church.

"Lehigh County Historical Society", Vol.#11, 1936
Historical Address at the 200th Anniversary of Egypt Reformed Congrgation,
October 1, 1934 by Charles R. Roberts
pp. 64-71
George and Christian Leibenguth are both listed as heads of families
reported as members of the congregation in 1771 by Rev.

George Livengood and Christian Leibengut took the Oath of Allegiance in
Northampton County, Pa. on 18 Aug.1777. Christian was #74
and George #216 on the list.

George is reported to have served in Frederick Kuntz's Company during the
Revolutionary War.

George Leibenguth is listed as an Administrator on 30 Dec.1788 for the
estate of Jacob Roth, yeoman, Lehigh Township, Northampton
County, Pa. File #1248, Vol.2, p.23
George is listed as yeoman, Lehigh Township and as a friend and neighbor to
the deceased.

First Reformed Church, Easton, Northampton County, Pa. as recorded in the
"First Settlers in the Forks of the Delaware" by Kieffer:
6 Jan.1812 John George Leibenguth, Lecha Township, Northampton Co., died at
the age of 74-10-0.
(I believe this date was incorrectly recorded by Kieffer. It should be 1814
based upon the settlement of George's estate in 1814.)

George Leibenguth's estate was filed in Northampton County, Pa. File#2945.
George, listed as yeoman, died intestate
Spouse: Magdalena (named as widow of George)
Residence: Lehigh Township
Administrator: Peter Leibenguth (named as one of the sons of George)
Administration Bond: 1814
Inventory & Appraisal: 1814
Accounting: 1816
Citation: 1817
2nd Accounting: 1819
3rd Accounting: 1826
-In the estate documents the following creditors owed money to George's
Daniel Leibenguth $6.00
Peter Leibenguth $516.56
Peter Eckert $723.66
George Leibenguth $157.47
Conrad Kleintub $147.63
Nicholas Leibenguth $64.26
Peter Kuntz $25.56
Jacob Leibenguth $282.90
-After the first accounting and the initial bills were paid, the estate had
a balance of $1,372.61 "to be divided agreeably by law,
between the widow and 15 children."
-John Beck, married to a daughter of George Leibenguth, deceased, filed in
court for a second accounting in 1816.
-Demands of heirs against the estate in 1816:
Magdalena Leibenguth, the widow $7.00
Conrad Kleintup (son-in-law) $9.51
George Leibenguth (son) $138.43
Philip Leibenguth (son) unreadable
{several additional lines could not be read}
-Estate lands which were sold:
Building and 142 acres of land in Lehigh Township sold to John Leibenguth
for $46.73 per acre. $6,650.26
Building and 107 acres of land in Lehigh Township sold to Daniel Leibenguth
for $32.00 per acre. $3,397.80
Gristmill and 37 acres of land in Lehigh Township sold to Philip Leibenguth
for $108.00 per acre. $4,071.60
96 acres of land in Lehigh Township sold to Peter Kuntz for $26.00 per acre.

Northampton County, Pa. Orphan Court records, Book #9, p.91:
On a petition filed by "Philip Leibengood, one of the sons and heirs of
George Leibengood, late of Lehigh township in the County of
Northampton and commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased, was read
representing that the petitioner's said father died intestate,
leaving a widow named Magdalena, and issue, to wit, the petitioner, Jacob,
Peter, Nicholas, George, Henry, Daniel, John, Abraham,
Magdalena (deceased), who had been intermarried with John Leibenger and left
issue (the number unknown), Mary married to George
Single, Susanna (deceased) who had been intermarried to Conrad Klinetop and
left issue (the number unknown), Elizabeth married to
Peter Eckert, Kratel married to Peter Kuntz, and Christina married to John

"Pennsylvania Archives", Series 5, Vol.#8, p.251
George Leybengoot, pvt., 6th Class
Frederick Kerns Company
2 May 1781

"Pennsylvania Archives", Series 5, Vol.#8, p.251
Georg Levegood, pvt., 6th Class, 3rd Battalion Militia
Capt. Frederick Coons
Northampton County

"Pennsylvania Archives", Series 5, Vol.#8, p.251
George Livengood, one of several Courts Martial Men
5th Co.
Capt. Fred. Coons
2 May 1781

"Pennsylvania Archives", Series 6, Vol.#3
George Leibengood,  6th Class
Listed in Class Roll
Capt. Frederich Kunss Company
18 April 1785

Pennsylvania Archives, Harrisburg, Pa.
Roll #27-4470
George Levelegood     Inactive Duty Militia
Northampton County, 3rd Battalion
6th Company, Capt. Frederick Coons, 6th Class
Remarks: 1780 M
Authority: Class Roll
Date: 25 Feb.1783
Published: A (5) VIII, 519-20

Pennsylvania Archives, Harrisburg, Pa.
Roll #27-4470
George Lebengood
Northampton County Militia
Certificate #8363   Total £7.10.0
Certificate Issued 30 Dec.1785 (Original Certificate)
Register Vol.: A, p.263

"Pennsylvania Archives", Series #5, Vol.4, p.333
Northampton County Militia - Depreciation Pay
Soldiers who received Depreciation Pay as per cancelled certificates on file
in the Division of Public Records, Pa. State Library.
George Lebengood, Private

"Pennsylvania Archives", Series #5, Vol.4, p.658
List of "Soldiers of the Revolution who received pay for their services",
taken from manuscript record, having neither date nor
title, but under "Rangers on the Frontiers, 1778-1783" was published in Vol.
XXIII, Pennsylvania Archives, Third Series, by the
former Editor.

"Pennsylvania Archives", Series 3, Vol.#23
George Lebengood
Listed in Rangers of the Frontier 1778-1783, Northampton County

Federal Census for 1800, Lehigh Township, Northampton Co., Pa.
George Leibenguth
1 age under 10, 2 age 10-16, 1 age 45 and up
1 age under 10, 1 age 45 and up

Federal Census for 1810, Lehigh Township, Northampton Co., Pa.
p.77, roll#51
George Leibengood
1 age under 10, 1 age 10-16, 1 age 45 and up
1 age 10-16, 1 age 45 and up

George's signature appears on the Administration Bond for his father's
estate in 1761.
Philip Livanguth's estate was recorded in Northampton County, Pa. File #262
Residence: Whitehall Township
Spouse: Mary Margaret
Administratrix: Mary Margaret Livangood
Administrative Bond: 1761, Mary Margaret Livangood, widow, and George
Inventory & Appraisal: 1761
Final Accounting: 1763
Federal Tax 1786
Leibengut, George        Grist Mill     260 acres
                                      Saw mill      3 Horses
                                                          6 cattle
Federal Tax 1788
Leibengutt, George        Grist Mill     200 acres
                                                           2 horses
                                                           3 cattle
Tax Lists taken in Northampton County, Pa.:
1761 George Leivengood, £10.0.0, Whitehall Township
1772 George Leivengood, £1.12.0, Farmer, Lehigh Township
1775 Georg Leibenguth, Lehigh Township
1776 George Leibenguth, Lehigh Township
1792 George Leibenguth, Lehigh Township, Value £33, Tax £0.8.3
1794 George Leibenguth, Lehigh Township, Rate £60, Tax £0.15.1
1795 George Leibenguth, Lehigh Township, Tax £0.15.1
1796 George Leibenguth, Lehigh Township, Tax $2.81
1797 George Leibenguth, Lehigh Township, Tax $2.81

Northampton County, Pa. Orphan Court, Book D, p.7:
8 Jul.1765
On the petition of George Leibengood setting forth that the petitioner is
heir of the estate of Philip Leibengood of Whitehall
Township, deceased and the petitioner is to pay to his brothers and sisters
their portion, my sister Christine the wife of Martin
Swap died about five years ago and left two children. Praying that the court
will appoint guardians for said children Adam Swap and
George Swap being both minors to take care of the portion that is due to
them of their grandfather's estate Philip Leibengood
deceased. Whereupon the court appointed John Shad as guardian for the Said
Adam Swap and George Swap and he is so appointed

Northampton County Court of Common Pleas, Henry Sperling, Esq.
Filed 20th June 1816:
Estate of George Leibenguth
Magdalena, Philip and Daniel Leibenguth vs. Peter Leibenguth
Will purported to be from George Leibenguth found to be invalid.

George is mentioned in the will of Jacob Roth in 1775:
Northampton County Will File #1248, Vol.2, p.23
Year 1788
Jacob Roth, yeoman, Lehigh Township
Wife: Anna Maria to receive one half of estate
Brother: John Daniel Roth, now or late residing at Baltimore to receive one
half of estate.
Executors: Friend and neighbor Bernard Kuntz, Lehigh Township, yeoman
Witnesses: Adam von Erd, William Bösler, John Okely
Date of Will: 26 Sep.1775
Codicil: 27 Sep.1788, witness was Henry and Peter Schneider
Inventory: January 1789 by Andrew Meier and George Brown
Administrators: 30 Dec.1788, Henry Heimbach, George Leibenguth, George Brown
and Andrew Meyer, all of Lehigh Township, yeomen
                  30 Dec.1788 Anna Maria Roth renounced to "Friends and
Neighbors, Henry                       Heimbach and George

Northampton County, Pa. Will File #1188, Vol.#2, p.4
Ludwig Küster
Residence: Lehigh Township
Wife: Mentioned but does not name her
Children: Johann Nicholaus; George; mentions "younger children", also
Witnesses: Christopher Anton Petri, Conrad Herrman, Peter Anthony
Date of Will: 11 Dec.1786
Probated: 29 Jan.1787
Inventory: 19 Jan.1787 by Friedrich Kuntz and Tobias Guldner
Settlement: 9 Sep.1818
Administrators: Conrad Herrmann, Peter Antoni, named executors in will,
renounced rights in favor of Peter Kuster and Nicholas
Kuster, sons of decedent
Administration Bond: Signed by Patrick Stuart, yeoman; and George
Leibengood, miller, both of Lehigh Township
(Could George Leibenguth's second wife, Magdalena, be a daughter of Ludwig

22 May 1999    Webrene1@aol.com
That tiny little note you sent me that had the number 983
on it...well I sent it to Indiana County and received their
reply today, about 15 pages 8 1/2"X 17" each.

Henry D., George, Mary Ann and Margaret (the widow)
and a son-in-law signed off as approving
Christopher Leibengood and Nathaniel Nesbitt as
executors of  Jacob Leibengood's estate. It's all there!!

Note that in the inventory/sale, Nathaniel Nesbitt bought
Jacob's family Bible...I'd sure like to see that eh!
Jacob still owed about $50 bucks for his pension
application efforts.....The lawyers I guess eh !!
This was all done in 1849 thru 1851.

The moral of the story is that the smallest clues
sometimes yield the greatest results huh?

27 May 1999 1   Webrene1@aol.com
 Are you sure your "Molly" was "O'brian", and not Molly McBride?

"Ruffners of Pa. and collateral lines"
      Jane S. Sweinberger

"The story has been handed down in the family that Molly
McBride, together with another unknown girl, ran away from her
home in Ireland to come to the colonies. On their way to the ship they
heard soldiers approaching and, frightened, hid under a hedge until
the soldiers were gone. The two girls continued on their walk to the
ship where they agreed to go as Redemtioners. (111) Upon arrival,
Molly was bonded to the service of a "strict Presbyterian" who was
trying to convert her away from Catholicism when she met Patrick
Griffin, a freeman, who fell in love and wanted to marry her. He
agreed to pay her master the balance due on her bond so that Molly
would be free to marry.

i    Patrick, Jr.
ii   John
3   Catherine b.----m. 1/8/1771 Simon Ruffner
Bond Filed
Estate of Patrick Griffin
Letters of Administration
Court of Common Pleas
of Bucks County
Orphans' Court Division
Doylestown, Pennsylvania 18901
Signed by Ann Griffin (her mark)
Enos Wright
Stephen Hibbs
Anthony Wright
Bucks County 1806
Note: Simon Ruffner's pension app. reads
identical to Jacob Libengood's that I have !

This book has pictures of the old Mount Carmel Church (log)
Of Goshenhoppen St. Paul's including interior,
Picture in 1825 of John Ruffner and etc. etc.

30 Jun 1999 1  Webrene1@aol.com
Margaret Chambers is the wife of Jacob Leibengood (My 3rd gr-grandparents). I've been getting tons of info on them
lately, extremely interesting info. Jacob was shot in the back of his shoulder at the battle of Brandywine. (obviously they were surrounded eh!!) He also served as a sergeant in the Westmoreland County Militia for the last time in 1794 at Reynolds fort/or blockhouse? I think that's what it was.

30 Jun 1999     Webrene1@aol.com
That's correct, Blossy's daughter was Mary Magdalene (Lansinger). And I believe that with the old writing, that Mary M~ Lansinger could easily be misread or miswritten as Mary McLauringen. Note that Lansinger/Linsinger is fairly common in those parts.

St.John's unmarked
  19 Sep 1999 1   Webrene1@aol.com
KREITZER Mary E. d/ 14 Apr 1885 @ 19y
KREUTZER Henry d/ 16 Oct 1881 @ 25y
CREITZER, Margaaret (as they spelled it !) d/ 4 Mar 1879 @ 47y.11m
NOEL, George d/ 15 Feb 1887 @ 69y
              Francis d/ 29 Jul 1889 @ 36y

O'BOLD,  Henrietta d/ 26 May 1882

27 Sep 1999    Webrene1@aol.com
By the way, those NOEL'S/NOLL's were from St. Agnes' Mifflin Twp. Don't forget, my Grandpap Ludovik Weber married one, Mary Noll/Noel, and may even have been  named after that Ludovik NOEL

Who are Ludovik and Rosina NOLL?? 1884 and 1888 respectively, they sponsored siblings of my grandpap Louis Weber and the children of Johann Heinrich Weber my great grandpap??

Marianne  30 Sep 1999 13:00:49 EDT    Webrene1@aol.com
Sophie BOTT 28, Reinhard GOLDBACH 24, Gerugin MUELLER 18
1851 Bremmen to Baltimore
Sophie,Reinhard and Gerugin (Jurgen?) were going to "Pit"
"Germans to America" Vol. 1 page 488

For more Information and a picture go to Ship Story